
خدمات أخرى

روابط سريعة

عروض وكوبونات الخصم

استكشف اضخم العروض واقوى الخصومات وسجل لدينا لتصلك العروض والخصومات الجديدة

SSL شهادة

الخدمات الاحترافية

حجز اسم دومين

استضافة المواقع

الخدمات الإحترافية

ابدأ مجاناً

استعرض الخدمات الاحترافية

MS Exchange Server Deployment

Deploying and configuring MS Exchange standalone and high availability

Office365 Migration

Migrate the email services and messages to Office365 from IMAP or MS Exchange Server

Azure Workloads Migration

Migrate on-premise workloads to Microsoft Azure, configuring and deploying MS Azure

MS SQL Server HA Deployment and Configurations

Deploying and configuring MS SQL Server standalone and high availability

Managed Service for Linux and Windows Servers

Mnaged Services for all linux operating systems and windows servers

MySQL HA Deployment and Configurations

Deploying and configuring MySQL Server standalone and high availability

VMware Deployment and Configurations

Deploying and configuring VMware ESXi hosts and vCenter

Openstack Deployment and Configurations

Deploy and configure OpenStack cloud on-premise as a private cloud

AWS Tenant Deployment and Configurations

Deploying and configuring AWS tenants and migrate the on-premise workloads.

HAProxy Servers with Keepalived

Deploying and configuring HAProxy Servers with Keepalived

SSL Deployment and Configurations

Deploying and configuring SSL certificates on linux and windows

Linux and Windows Servers

Deoly and configure all linux operating systems and windows servers